Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Last Day of Lemonade!!

Woohoo! I can't wait to stop drinking this stuff!! It's so gross, and I love food.

I had a conference to go to today, and I was really busy. It was kind of weird to walk around with sippy bottle of yellow crap. But I made it through the day.

I got home and my roommates were eating cookies. They looked so good! I'm really craving fruits and veggies, but I'm not going to lie, I really want the cookies too.

As of today, I've lost 9-10 lbs, which I'm assuming is largely water weight. My pants are definitely looser though, but I'm guessing I'll gain it right back when I start drinking and eating like crazy again. My stomach is feeling better though! I guess it's not that hard to though when you don't have anything in it.

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