Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I never knew OJ could taste so good!! I drank about 5 of those Naked Juices yesterday. I got really full, but also really hungry at the same time. I can already feel the water weight coming on right away though :(

Today's my veggie soup day. I had OJ all day yesterday. I'm supposed to have OJ until dinner, but I cheated and had some fruit during lunch...I figured 24 hours wouldn't hurt!

I think I ate about 5 whole veggies with my dinner soup, and I made myself feel disgustingly full. But man, those veggies were so good! Be careful with the flavoring - I think I put too much in, and it was overpowering.

It was my roomie's bday, so we went to dinner. I decided for some stupid reason that I could have wine. Just one glass and WOW. Not recommended! I'm such a cheater.

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