Monday, July 30, 2007

Lemonade Diet - Day 1

Today I am starting the Lemonade Diet. And no, I am not doing it because Beyonce did. Although I think the weight loss could be a fantastic side effect! Really I just want to cleanse my system and start over again. I'll be drinking 60 oz of lemonade each day. I bought two 32-oz containers and put this in each container:

6 tablespoons of Organic Grade B Maple Syrup
6 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (I used a hand juicer and about 1.5 lemons per 32 oz)
Cayenne pepper to taste (just one shake - it is so overpowering and gross)
Fill the rest with water

I will also have to drink Herbal Laxative at night and sea salt with warm water in the morning.

As someone who works full time, I was a little bit skeptical of the morning and nighttime cleansing regimes with the Lemonade Diet. Drinking sea salt, which is supposed to clean you out pretty completely immediately, did not sound like the best idea right before work. So I drank the laxative tea last night, and nothing happened. So far so good.

At work- it is very difficult to watch everyone else eat their eggs and drink their coffee. I am very tired...and hungry. And I really do not feel like talking to anyone.

The day goes by fairly fast. I had a growling stomach a few times, but it's not so bad - just drink a little more lemonade. It gets pretty sickening after a pretty short time - no clue how I will make it through ten days.

Nighttime - It was really nice to go home right after work and not go to the gym. I feel like I'll have a whole new world opening for me after work - except I plan on basically watching tv all night...maybe I'll motivate myself later this week to be social.

One day down, nine to go!

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